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secret garden quote

Độ hot 1Có 934 lần đọc18-10-2011 11:51 PM

“Because of him,I learned 1 thing.After a while,even the memories that weren’t pleasant,they’ll become the clue to our happiness.So from now on I want to remember,how we fell in love,how we separated,and how we got back together.

You were her everything but for you, she was just one part of your everything.
Seul’s friend (to Oska)

“A man who makes a woman cry is wretched."
Gil Ra Im

are you sure? is this the best you can do?
Joo Won

Sometime women can hate a man to death, and still love him 
-Gil Ra Im

A woman, no matter how ordinary she is, can become a queen. And no matter what a precious woman she is, she can become a maid. Depending on how she’s treated… by the person she loves -
(The thing about women is, the most common of women can become a queen, and the most rarefied woman can become a maid – according to how she is treated by the person she loves)
Yoon Seul

“Don’t fall in love with another guy. For the rest of your life, live alone and think of me. This is perhaps the most selfish decision I’ve made in my life.But it’s the choice of the community leader. So please respect it.” – Joo Won

.Gil Ra Im who was always cool, even in the future.. you have to continue to be cool. 

I’m going to miss you, very much. 

I love you.

-Kim Joo Won

“Being unable to eat and sleep is the basic thing. Waking up in the middle of the night will become a daily routine. Because the one you love has turned into someone else, you also can’t whine to each other for the fear of being scolded by that person. So, you cry by yourself. But what hurts the most is that person doesn’t actually miss me like the way I do. It’s like that person has forgotten about me and is simply being happy alone. All you want to do is die, but you can’t die either… because you’re scared that you won’t see that person again.” 
Yoon Seul

“Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. This is a mental illness. It is like looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. It is as if you are living in a fantasy world of a fable. This is an interesting and sad syndrome. I’m sure that I have that syndrome. If it’s not it, then why the heck does my every moment with the ordinary girl feel like a fable?” 
Joo Won

”If some man tells you that he’s fallen in love with you at first sight, just punch him. It’s just another way of saying that he wants to go to bed with you.” 
Joo Won

“You just hang up the phone whenever you feel like it. When I come to find you, you get angry. When I try to buy you food, you get even angrier. Even worse than that, you hit me. You’re a completely strange woman… but that’s exactly the problem. You’re so strange that I find you, puzzling and amazing.”
Joo Won

“You’re really pretty when you’re mad.” 
Joo Won

“Do you need more miracles? There was already a miracle. A woman with no decent family background, no money, no good looks, is someone very special to someone who has everything. Isn’t that a miracle? Be honest. When I was clinging on to you, I know you said “go away, disappear”, but inside you were going KYA!!! Right?” 
Joo Won

“We still don’t have a single wedding photo. But we live every day, loving and being loved, living a magical life. Maybe being in love is a lot like swapping souls. May your soul have flowers that bloom, a cool breeze, a shining sun, and… once in a while, a magical rain that falls.” 

“If we hadn’t met each other, it might have been less painful.”-
Ra Im

“I hope you’ll see the things I see. You’ll stand at the window where I stand, and lie down in the bed where I lie down, and read the books I read. If we could be together, even in that way… then that’s enough. Let’s think of it as being together. That’s enough for us to consider ourselves as happy as other lovers.” 
1 buổi chiều gió lộng, lắc lư những thân cây. hi vọng khi em đọc được bức thư này, cũng là một buổi chiều gió lộng xuyên qua những thân cây ấy, nên hi vọng những phong cảnh anh nhìn thấy, em cũng có thể nhìn thấy.nếu em có thể đứng trước cửa kính ngay vị trí anh đứng,nằm trên chiếc giường anh đã từng nằm,đọc những cuốn sách anh đã từng đọc, giả nhưng dùng cách này để chúng ta bên nhau, như vậy, cũng đủ lắm rồi, coi như chúng ta đã được bên nhau.như vậy, chúng ta cũng hạnh phúc như những người yêu nhau khác

Joo Won

Gil Ra Im will always be stuck between two different worlds, when I’m done with you, you’ll disappear like foam on the sea.
Joo Won

“There are things that are thought of as fantasies merely because they’re far away. Starry bodies are like that. Just as it is with people who are too beautiful, they readily disappear – In the books that I’d read to find out what he’s really like, this was a passage that had long settled in my heart. It’s now that I realize it, how beautiful a person he is. And therefore, how far away he is from me. He’ll disappear someday, too, like people do when they’re too beautiful.” 


“Where on earth is a woman who’ll jump at the chance to happily and beautifully cultivate a love that’ll just turn to bubbles? Nowhere in the world is there a woman who will start a love, giving up the ending. That’s why we’ll never work. We have no answer.”  Ra-Im

“Do you like decorating trees? I hate it – I hate making a ruckus on anyone’s birthday but my own. But… I thought that you would like it. You only like things that I hate.”
cô có thích trang trí cây thông noel ko? tôi không thích. không phải sinh nhật tôi, mà là sinh nhật người khác, lại biết bao người tốn công phí sức, nhưng tôi cảm thấy cô sẽ thích, bởi cô chỉ thích những thứ tôi ghét. đôi tất kia cũng vậy, dù có treo ở chỗ nào, cô cũng sẽ không nhận được quà đâu, bởi vì ông già noel sẽ không tặng quà cho những đứa trẻ hay khóc

Joo Won

“Since what age did you become so pretty?”
Joo Won

“I’m thinking of doing everything now, including this stupid act of waiting for someone in front of their house so you should do the same. You have no thoughts of becoming the little mermaid, so that’s why I’ll be come the little mermaid instead. I’ll be right next to you as if I am not there and disappear like foam. So right now, I am the one shamelessly hanging on to you.”
thế nên từ đây về sau tôi định sẽ làm tất cả, bao gồm cả việc ngốc ngếch là đứng chờ trước nhà ai đó hàng giờ đồng hồ, vì cô không muốn làm nàng tiên cá nên cứ để tôi làm.tôi sẽ làm nàng tiên cá của cô, giống như chưa từng ở bên canh cô,sau đó sẽ biến mất như bọt biển, vì vậy tôi sẽ theo đuổi cô.
Joo Won

và cho dù có thế nào, kết luận chính là, không phải anh thì là tôi,phải có 1 người biến thành bọt biển, phải không?
đã thích tôi như vậy, mà lại muốn biến thành bọt biển với tương lai của tôi sao?
nói cách khác, cho dù chúng ta có yeu đối phương chết đi sống lại thế nào,thì cuối cùng cũng sẽ biến mất không dấu vết.
vì chúng ta là không thể, chúng ta không có đáp án. 
Ra Im

có lúc, chỉ là sự tồn tại xa xăm,nhưng lại sinh ra ảo tưởng, thế giới của các vì sao là vậy,giống như những người sáng chói lóa thường làm, sẽ nhanh chóng biến mất không còn nhìn thấy nữa
Ra Im

Xin anh ra khỏi hiện thực bi kịch của tôi, trở về với cuộc sống như cổ tích của anh đi.hãy trở về với cuộc sống đẹp đẽ của anh ấy.
Ra Im

“Are you that weak? Even if the distance seems far, run after him. Even if it feels like he isn’t next to you, grab on to him.”

“All around the world there are 230 countries, and among those people I can speak 5 languages. Nevertheless, I can’t find the exact word to define our relationship.”
Joo Won

“Open your eyes. You did something strange and stole my heart, you made me drink something strange and stole my body, showed up at someone else’s party and stole even my lips. If it wasn’t for that, there is no reason for you to look so pretty in my eyes.”
Joo Won

“From now on, no matter what you do I’ll still like it, no matter what you do I’ll still forgive you, for the sole reason that you’re alive.”
Ra Im

“There are only two types of girls: the type that you marry and the type that you play around with and then break up with. But you’re somewhere in between.”
Joo Won

Joo Won: “So all my huge taxes went to you.”
Ra Im: “Does it seem like a waste?”
Joo Won: “I would have paid more if I knew I was raising you

Joo Won: This is not because I love you just want to be your husband well.
Ra Im: So what?
Joo Won: It's not because I love you, but because I ONLY love you. If I don’t have you, then I won’t have any other choices (Apart from you, I can not love other people.)

Gil Ra Im: I swore to your mother on my father that I would never meet you again. My body turned away but my heart won’t leave. I know it will be very difficult if I keep seeing you. But… I think it will be easier to bear the difficulties of seeing you than the difficulties of not seeing you. I said I came to see you. That is my answer. But… I won’t be the Little Mermaid. So you answer me now, I still can’t be anything more than the Little Mermaid? 
[em đã lấy danh nghĩa của bố em,thề với mẹ anh là sẽ không bao giờ gặp mặt anh nữa.người em bước đi nhưng trái tim em không thể rời khỏi nơi đây,em biết, nếu yêu anh, con đường tương lai em rất nhiều đau khổ, nhưng so với nỗi đau không được gặp anh nữa,thà em chịu đựng những nỗi đau khi ta gặp nhau.em đến để gặp anh.đây là câu trả lời của em, nhưng em sẽ không làm nàng tiên cá, vì vậy, trả lời em, bây giờ em vẫn chỉ  làm nàng tiên cá thôi sao?
Kim Joo Won (in order to answer question from his friend ‘bout Ra Im): She’s a really incredible woman. This woman drives cars like a drag racer. When she sees a thief or sexual assailant, she throws punches even for complete strangers. Although she has no money and has bruises all over her body, she says she doesn’t like guys like us for one minute or one second. That’s the kind of woman she is. I’ve never seen such an amazing woman before. That is my answer
cô gái này rất lợi hại,cả đời cậu không gặp được đâu. cô ta lái xe như đua,gặp kẻ cưới hay quấy rối tình dục,sẽ giở nắm đấm vì 1 người không quen biết. không có tiền và toàn thân đầy vết sẹo, nhưng dù vậy vẫn không muốn ở cùng với loại đàn ông như chúng ta dù chỉ 1s. cô ấy là cô gái như vậy đấy. tôi chưa gặp cô gái nào giống như cô ấy trước đây.

(“She drives like a car racer. If she witnesses someone’s purse being snatched, someone she’s never met in her life, she’ll throw fists. She has no money and her body is covered in scars, but she doesn’t want to spend even one second of one minute with people like us. She’s that kind of woman. I’ve never seen a woman as cool as her. That… is my answer.” – Joo Won)

nàng tiên cá mà anh thích đó, tôi không có đủ tư cách, anh biết vì sao không?vì nàng tiên cá ấy, đã từng yêu người đàng ông đó![eps 9]

alice ở xứ sở thần tiên...giống như cổ tích
đêm tối ngân hà bị cảm động bởi
một thiếu niên bất lương đứng ở đó
mỗi nỗi bi thương không tên
cùng bỏ đi với kí ức của người đó...

alice hỏi " từ chỗ này, bạn có thể cho tôi biết,từ chỗ này,tiếp theo tôi sẽ phải đi theo con đường nào?"
mèo cheshire trả lời: "vậy còn phải tùy thuộc vào bạn muốn đi đường nào"
"đi đâu không phải là vấn đề:"
"nếu như vậy thì, dù đi theo hướng nào cũng không phải là vấn đề lớn"
bởi vì tôi muốn đến đích tại một nơi nào đó"." chắc chắn không sai, bạn sẽ đến đích tại một nơi nào đó, chỉ cần bạn chịu đi đến điểm tận cùng"

nàng tiên cá giương kiếm lên,nhưng trong ngay thời khắc ấy,nàng tiên cá ném kiếm xuống biển sâu
khi kiếm rơi xuống biển, mặt biển trong nháy mắt lóe lên ánh hồng
mặt trời mọc lên từ mặt biển
nàng tiên cá dõi ánh mắt mơ hồ trầm mình xuống mặt biển mênh mông
khi đó nàng tiên cá hóa thành bong bóng rồi biến mất
có thật là kì tích sẽ xảy ra?? 
Ra Im

“From now on no matter what u do I’ll still like it,No matter what u do I’ll still forgive u, for the reason that you’re alive.
"What? Feelings are not vending machine! Coke don't come out just because you want one!"

She drives like a car racer. If she witnesses someone’s purse being snatched, someone she’s never met in her life, she’ll throw fists. She has no money and her body is covered in scars, but she doesn’t want to spend even one second of one minute with people like us. She’s that kind of woman. I’ve never seen a woman as cool as her. That… is my answer.” – Joo Won

“There are things that are thought of as fantasies merely because they’re far away. Starry bodies are like that. Just as it is with people who are too beautiful, they readily disappear – In the books that I’d read to find out what he’s really like, this was a passage that had long settled in my heart. It’s now that I realize it, how beautiful a person he is. And therefore, how far away he is from me. He’ll disappear someday, too, like people do when they’re too beautiful.” – Ra-Im

“Where on earth is a woman who’ll jump at the chance to happily and beautifully cultivate a love that’ll just turn to bubbles? Nowhere in the world is there a woman who will start a love, giving up the ending. That’s why we’ll never work. We have no answer.” – Ra-Im

“The thing about women is, the most common of women can become a queen, and the most rarefied woman can become a maid – according to how she is treated by the person she loves.” – Seul

“Do you like decorating trees? I hate it – I hate making a ruckus on anyone’s birthday but my own. But… I thought that you would like it. You only like things that I hate.” – Joo Won

“Since what age did you become so pretty?” – Joo Won

“I’m thinking of doing everything now, including this stupid act of waiting for someone in front of their house so you should do the same. You have no thoughts of becoming the little mermaid, so that’s why I’ll be come the little mermaid instead. I’ll be right next to you as if I am not there and disappear like foam. So right now, I am the one shamelessly hanging on to you.” – Joo Won

“Are you that weak? Even if the distance seems far, run after him. Even if it feels like he isn’t next to you, grab on to him.” – Seul

“All around the world there are 230 countries, and among those people I can speak 5 languages. Nevertheless, I can’t find the exact word to define our relationship.” – Joo Won

“Open your eyes. You did something strange and stole my heart, you made me drink something strange and stole my body, showed up at someone else’s party and stole even my lips. If it wasn’t for that, there is no reason for you to look so pretty in my eyes.” – Joo Won

“From now on, no matter what you do I’ll still like it, no matter what you do I’ll still forgive you, for the sole reason that you’re alive.” – Ra Im

“There are only two types of girls: the type that you marry and the type that you play around with and then break up with. But you’re somewhere in between.” – Joo Won

“It’s not because I love you, but because I only love you. If I don’t have you, then I won’t have any other choices.” – Joo Won

“Being unable to eat and sleep is the basic thing. Waking up in the middle of the night will become a daily routine. Because the one you love has turned into someone else, you also can’t whine to each other for the fear of being scolded by that person. So, you cry by yourself. But what hurts the most is that person doesn’t actually miss me like the way I do. It’s like that person has forgotten about me and is simply being happy alone. All you want to do is die, but you can’t die either… because you’re scared that you won’t see that person again.” – Seul

“Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. This is a mental illness. It is like looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. It is as if you are living in a fantasy world of a fable. This is an interesting and sad syndrome. I’m sure that I have that syndrome. If it’s not it, then why the heck does my every moment with the ordinary girl feel like a fable?” – Joo Won

”If some man tells you that he’s fallen in love with you at first sight, just punch him. It’s just another way of saying that he wants to go to bed with you.” – Joo Won

“Don’t fall in love with another guy. For the rest of your life, live alone and think of me. This is perhaps the most selfish decision I’ve made in my life.” – Joo Won

“You just hang up the phone whenever you feel like it. When I come to find you, you get angry. When I try to buy you food, you get even angrier. Even worse than that, you hit me. You’re a completely strange woman… but that’s exactly the problem. You’re so strange that I find you, puzzling and amazing.” – Joo Won

“You’re really pretty when you’re mad.” – Joo Won

“Do you need more miracles? There was already a miracle. A woman with no decent family background, no money, no good looks, is someone very special to someone who has everything. Isn’t that a miracle? Be honest. When I was clinging on to you, I know you said “go away, disappear”, but inside you were going KYA!!! Right?” – Joo Won

“We still don’t have a single wedding photo. But we live every day, loving and being loved, living a magical life. Maybe being in love is a lot like swapping souls. May your soul have flowers that bloom, a cool breeze, a shining sun, and… once in a while, a magical rain that falls.” – Ra Im

“I hope you’ll see the things I see. You’ll stand at the window where I stand, and lie down in the bed where I lie down, and read the books I read. If we could be together, even in that way… then that’s enough. Let’s think of it as being together. That’s enough for us to consider ourselves as happy as other lovers.” – Joo Won

“Gil Ra Im will always be stuck between two different worlds, when I’m done with you, you’ll disappear like foam on the sea.” – Joo Won

“Among the four seasons, I like winter the best. The face is cold and the body is hot. Even though you’re tired, you freeze when you stop walking. I like it when I have to walk and walk until my heart bursts. Because if you continue to walk, eventually you get on the top of the mountain.” – Ra Im

“My marriage is a complicated business with many stakeholders. In the end, I’ll have to make a decision. Will I disappoint all those people and get you, or will I lose you and get a girl who will be an advantage for me in business? Is the first option what you want? Fine! Let’s say that I throw everything away and choose you. Get a house to live in and a bed. We’ll just sleep together and then wake up. But… how long do you think the happiness would last? I lose everything and the two lived happily ever after? Can you say that? I don’t have the confidence to not blame you and hate you for it. Do you?” – Joo Won

“The things you say are true. It’s all true. But, you fool, where in the world is there a woman who would foster a tender, happy love only to disappear like sea foam? No woman starts a love with a designated end.” – Ra Im

“Honestly, I do like chestnuts but the cheesecake was some other bitch.” – Yoon Seul


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