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Đăng lúc 31-5-2013 11:08:08 | Chỉ xem của tác giả Trả lời thưởng |Xem thứ tự |Chế độ đọc
Dự kiến trước mắt mỗi tuần sẽ là 1 chủ đề.
Trong 1 chủ đề sẽ có 4 đến 5 bài read.
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TOPIC 1:  Environment
READING 1:  http://kites.vn/forum.php?mod=vi ... p;extra=#pid6274441
READING 2:  http://kites.vn/forum.php?mod=vi ... p;extra=#pid6274441
READING 3:  http://kites.vn/forum.php?mod=vi ... p;page=2#pid6315820
READING 4:  http://kites.vn/thread/topic-394502-2-1.html

Hạn chế 888 trong thread này!!!


Số người tham gia 2Sức gió +10 Thu lại Lý do
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binggubias + 5 em không học đâu=))

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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 11-6-2013 10:55:59 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Mình đã post đáp án của bài đọc số 1 - chủ đề Education tuần này.
Các bạn xem đáp án bên dưới đề bài nhé!

Chúc mọi người một ngày học tập hiệu quả {:155:}.
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 10-6-2013 23:42:02 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
What motivates children to learn?
1.  Do the following statement agree with the information in the reading passage?
Write Yes if the statement is true according to the passage.
  No if the statement is false according to the passage.
  Not given if the information is not given in the passage.
a. Yes
b.  No
c. Yes
d. Yes
e. Yes
f. Yes
2. Choose the most relevant answer for each question.
a. What does the word “they” in red refer to?
(ii) Some athletes.

b. What is the main idea of the reading passage?
(iv) Each child has a motivation to learn.

Bình luận

bạn vào thread topic check đáp án bài reading nhé  Đăng lúc 11-6-2013 11:00 AM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 10-6-2013 20:37:32 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
nekohiro gửi lúc 10-6-2013 11:32
Chào mọi người, tuần trước chúng ta đã làm 3 bài đọc về Environment. Topic của tuần ...

a, No
b, No
c, Yes
d, Yes
e, Yes
f, No
a, (i)
b, (ii)

P/s: Tớ nộp bài bạn nhé, chắc là sai nhiều lắm đây, bài này tớ đoán mò nhiều lắm. Đi học tiếng anh, tớ  sợ bài đọc hiểu thế này lắm vì tớ kém từ vựng. Cảm ơn bạn nhé!!!

Bình luận

mời bạn vào thread topic check đáp án bài reading nhé  Đăng lúc 11-6-2013 11:00 AM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 10-6-2013 11:32:19 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Chào mọi người, tuần trước chúng ta đã làm 3 bài đọc về Environment. Topic của tuần này là Education nhé.
Bài đọc số 1.

What motivates children to learn?

Every child learns a little differently.  It would be convenient if each child fit into one of the traditional learning styles, such as visual learner, kinesthetic learner, or auditory learner.  The truth is that each child is a unique combination of these learning styles as well as other points in their personalities that make their learning style unique to each child.

Learning styles tend to explain how a child learns.  Visual learners like to see the educational material demonstrated, they tend to like learning on the computer.  Kinesthetic learners need to touch and feel to learn, they like to build models. Auditory learners learn best when hearing the information presented.  Besides having a way that they like to learn, each student has a reason, a motivation, why they learn. It is important to take advantage of not only the way the child learns, but what motivates the child to learn.

Some children learn what is put before them because they feel some sense of obligation to do what they are told to do.  For these children it doesn’t seem to matter how the material is presented, but that the material is presented. Sometimes these children are called compliant learners.  They do not seem to need external rewards to learn unless you consider the approval of adults as a reward.

Other children seem to need a more tangible reward.  Some athletes are examples of this.  They do the school work because the end result is that if they do their schoolwork they are allowed participation in their chosen sport.  An example might be football players who must maintain a “C” average to be allowed to play in the game on Friday night.

There are things that are considered rewards, and for each child there is a different reward that is important. Some children are motivated by rewards that are internal.  They learn because it gives them pleasure, or they are driven to know more about a subject, or they are driven to learn to know more than other children, in a sense to become an expert.  There is a set of children who learn for the joy of accumulating knowledge; in a sense the knowledge itself is the reward.

Some children are motivated by the act of completion.  For example, each chapter in science is an exercise to be completed.  When they finish the chapter, they have checked off some mark, and are ready to begin the next chapter, so that they can complete it.  For that child, the reward is the check mark, not necessarily the knowledge gained.

Grades are another important reward. Receiving the praise for the grades or the gaining attention for grades can be a reward and a motivator.

It is important to find out what the motivator is for your child.External rewards, internal rewards, accolades, privileges, or simply the joy of learning can all be powerful motivators.  Once you find the right combination of motivating rewards for your child you will better understand what inspires them to learn.  In combination with learning styles, motivational styles can help you get the most learning into your child, with the fewest drawbacks.

A.        New words

1. Visual /ˈvɪʒjʊəl, -zj-/
- Adj: (thuộc) thị giác, có liên quan đến thị giác; (thuộc) sự nhìn, dùng cho mắt nhìn - relating to seeing or sight.
- SYN: beheld , discernible , imaged , observable , observed , ocular , optic , optical , perceptible , seeable.

2. Kinesthetic
- Adj: (thuộc) cảm giác vậnđộng – relating to the awareness of the position and movement of the parts of the body by means of sensory organs (proprioceptors) in the muscles and joints.

3. Auditory /ˈɔːdɪt(ə)ri/
- Adj: (thuộc) sự nghe; (thuộc) thính giác - relating to the sense of hearing.
- SYN: auricular , acoustic , aural , otic , auditive , audible , sound , audile

4. Obligation /ɒblɪˈgeɪʃ(ə)n/
- N: Nghĩa vụ; bổn phận; sự mang ơn, sự biết ơn, sự hàm ơn; giao ước - an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
- SYN: responsibility, duty, charge, burden, liability, job, commitment, accountability.

5. Compliant /kəmˈplʌɪənt/
- Adj: chiều theo ý người khác, dễ dãi; Phục tùng mệnh lệnh; phù hợp với - disposed to agree with others or obey rules, especially to an excessive degree; meeting or in accordance with rules or standards.
- SYN: passive, docile, amenable, submissive, meek.

6. Tangible /ˈtan(d)ʒɪb(ə)l/
- Adj: Hữu hình, xác thực, hiển nhiên, rõ ràng, có thật - perceptible by touch, clear and definite; real
- SYN: actual , appreciable , corporeal , definite , detectable , discernible , distinct , embodied , evident , factual.

7. Accumulate /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/
- V: Chất đống, chồng chất, tích luỹ, gom góp, dồn, làm giàu, tích của - gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of; gradually gather or acquire; build up
- SYN: built up, pile up, multiply, mount up, accrue.

8. Accolade /ˈakəleɪd, ˌakəˈleɪd/
- N: Sự ôm hôn, sự gõ nhẹ sống gươm lên vai (khi phong tước); (âm nhạc) dấu gộp - an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit; a touch on a person’s shoulders with a sword at the bestowing of a knighthood

9. Privilege /ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ/
- N: Đặc quyền; đặc lợi (về một tầng lớp, cấp bậc..); Đặc ân (tạo cơ hội cho ai, cho ai ân huệ..); Quyền được nói, quyền được làm (không sợ bị trừng phạt) - a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
- V: Cho đặc quyền; ban đặc ân (cho ai); Miễn (ai) khỏi chịu (gánh nặng...) - grant a privilege or privileges to exempt (someone) from a liability or obligation to which others are subject.
- SYN: pleasure, delight, joy, treat, honor, pride.

B.        Exercise
1. Do the following statement agree with the information in the reading passage?
Write Yes if the statement is true according to the passage.
  No if the statement is false according to the passage.
  Not given if the information is not given in the passage.
a. There are only three traditional learning styles: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learner.

b. Kinesthetic learners like learning on the computer while auditory learners learn by building models.

c. Compliant learners learn because of the obligation that they are told to do.

d. For some children, knowledge is considered a reward.

e. For a majority of children, the reward is the act of completion, not necessarily the knowledge gained.

f. Motivational styles are more important than learning styles in promoting child learning.

2. Choose the most relevant answer for each question.
a. What does the word “they” in red refer to?
(i) Other children.
(ii) Some athletes.
(iii) Examples
(iv) Football players.

b. What is the main idea of the reading passage?
(i) External rewards, internal rewards, accolades, privileges, or the joy of learning can all be powerful motivators of learning.
(ii) It is important to find out what the motivator is for your child.
(iii) A child’s personality makes their learning style unique.
(iv) Each child has a motivation to learn.

a. There are only three traditional learning styles: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learner.
NG. It would be convenient if each child fit into one of the traditional learning styles, such as visual learner, kinesthetic learner, or auditory learner.

b. Kinesthetic learners like learning on the computer while auditory learners learn by building models.
N. Kinesthetic learners need to touch and feel to learn, they like to build models. Auditory learners learn best when hearing the information presented.

c. Compliant learners learn because of the obligation that they are told to do.
Y. Some children learn what is put before them because they feel some sense of obligation to do what they are told to do.  Sometimes these children are called compliant learners.

d. For some children, knowledge is considered a reward.
Y. There is a set of children who learn for the joy of accumulating knowledge; in a sense the knowledge itself is the reward.

e. For a majority of children, the reward is the act of completion, not necessarily the knowledge gained.
N. Some children are motivated by the act of completion.

f. Motivational styles are more important than learning styles in promoting child learning.
NG. In combination with learning styles, motivational styles can help you get the most learning into your child, with the fewest drawbacks.

2. a. What does the word “they” in red refer to?
(ii) Some athletes.

b. What is the main idea of the reading passage?
(ii) It is important to find out what the motivator is for your child.

Chúc mọi người học tốt!
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 8-6-2013 11:32:42 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Đáp án của bài đọc số 3 đã được post bên dưới đề bài.
Mời mọi người check nhé!
Topic Environment tuần này đã kết thúc tại đây. Các bạn viết 1 bài khoảng 250 - 300 từ về topic này nhé
Chúc cuối tuần vui vẻ {:161:}

Bình luận

chị check bài cho mấy bạn kia luôn ha chị^^  Đăng lúc 8-6-2013 11:56 AM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-6-2013 22:20:09 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
B. Exercise:
1. Do the following statement agree with the information in the reading passage?
Write Yes if the statement is true according to the passage.
  No if the statement is false according to the passage.
  Not given if the information is not given in the passage.
a. Air pollution is the main component of global warming.=>Not given
b. Both Carbon dioxide and methane are considered kinds of greenhouse gas.=>yes
c. Sulfur dioxide only causes harmful effects to the Earth=>no
d. The Kyoto protocol and taxes on carbon emissions and gasoline are considered to be the most effective methods to deal with air pollution=>not given
e. Volcanoes are the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide today =>yes

2. Choose the most relevant answer for each question.
a. The word “they” in line 14 refers to:
(ii). Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals

b. What is the main idea of the reading passage?
(i). There are different kinds of pollution that contribute to global warming.

Bình luận

bạn xem lại câu 1e và 2b nhé, đáp án mình post dưới đề bài nha  Đăng lúc 9-6-2013 11:34 AM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-6-2013 12:23:28 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
a. NG
b. Yes
c. No
d. NG
e. Yes

a. (ii)
b. (i)

Lần đầu thử làm làm :3 Mong mọi người giúp đỡ ạ!
À cái câu a phần 2 ý ạ, ở đây k đánh số dòng cũng k chú thích in nghiên gì đó từ they này nên mình chém bừa nó ở đoạn 4 vì thấy mỗi từ "they" đoạn gần gần xung quanh đó có mỗi em nó thì phải ^_^

Bình luận

có đáp án bài đọc rồi, bạn vào so nhé. bài của bạn cần xem lại câu 1e và 2b  Đăng lúc 9-6-2013 11:33 AM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 7-6-2013 11:50:15 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Bài đọc số 3 - topic Environment.

Air Pollution

Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution. But there are different kinds of pollution—some visible, some invisible—that contribute to global warming. Generally any substance that people introduce into the atmosphere that has damaging effects on living things and the environment is considered air pollution.

Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. Though living things emit carbon dioxide when they breathe, carbon dioxide is widely considered to be a pollutant when associated with cars, planes, power plants, and other human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and natural gas.

Other greenhouse gases include methane—which comes from such sources as swamps and gas emitted by livestock—and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants until they were banned because of their deteriorating effect on Earth's ozone layer.

Another pollutant associated with climate change is sulfur dioxide, a component of smog. Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. Volcanic eruptions can spew massive amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, sometimes causing cooling that lasts for years. In fact, volcanoes used to be the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide; today people are.

Industrialized countries have worked to reduce levels of sulfur dioxide, smog, and smoke in order to improve people's health. But the lower sulfur dioxide levels may actually make global warming worse.

Most people agree that to curb global warming, a variety of measures need to be taken. On a personal level, driving and flying less, recycling, and conservation reduces a person’s "carbon footprint"—the amount of carbon dioxide a person is responsible for putting into the atmosphere.

On a larger scale, governments are taking measures to limit emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. One way is through the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement between countries that they will cut back on carbon dioxide emissions. Another method is to put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline, so that people and companies will have greater incentives to conserve energy and pollute less.

A. New words
1. Substance - N: chất liệu, vật chất, bản chất, nội dung, tính có giá trị, tài sản
+ a particular kind of matter with uniform properties.
+ the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence.
+ the quality of having a solid basis in reality or fact.
+ the essential nature underlying phenomena, which is subject to changes and accidents.

2. Emit
- V: phát ra, tỏa ra, phát xạ, phát hành - produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation), make (a sound)
- SYN: afford , beam , belch , breathe , cast out

3. Fossil fuel: Nhiên liệu hóa thạch - a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

4. Fossil:
- Adj: hóa thạch, cổ lỗ, lỗi thời –
- N: vật hóa thạch, người cổ lỗ, lỗi thời - the remains or impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in rock and preserved in petrified form.

5. Swamp:
- N: đầm lầy, vũng lầy - an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh.
- V: làm ngập nước, làm ướt đẫm, tràn ngập, che khuất, làm mất tác dụng, bị ngập vào - overwhelm or flood with water, overwhelm with an excessive amount of something.
- SYN: overwhelm, bombard, flood, inundate; marsh, wetland, bog.

6. Livestock
- N: vật nuôi, thú nuôi, gia súc - farm animals regarded as an asset.

7. Refrigerant
- Adj: làm lạnh, để đông lạnh - causing cooling or refrigeration.
- N: chất làm lạnh, chất để đông lạnh - a substance used for refrigeration.

8. Aerosol
- N: bình phun - a substance enclosed under pressure and released as a fine spray by means of a propellant gas.

9. Propellant
- Adj: đẩy đi, đẩy tới - capable of propelling something.
- N: chất nổ đẩy (đạn, tên lửa) - a substance that propels something, in particular: an inert fluid, liquefied under pressure; an explosive that fires bullets from a firearm; a substance used as a reagent in a rocket engine to provide thrust.

10. Deteriorate
- V: làm hư hỏng, làm giảm giá trị, làm cho xấu đi - become progressively worse.
- SYN: worsen, get worse, weaken, decline, slip, fail, relapse, degenerate.

11. Volcanic
- Adj: thuộc núi lửa, giống như núi lửa; nóng nảy, hung hăng, mãnh liệt, sục sôi, dữ dội - relating to or produced by a volcano or volcanoes; (of a feeling or emotion) bursting out or liable to burst out violently.

12. Eruption:
- N: sự phun, phun trào, sự nổ ra, sự ban phát, sự mọc lên - an act or instance of erupting; a spot, rash, or other mark appearing suddenly on the skin.
- SYN: explosion, blast.

13. Spew:
- N: sự nôn, mửa - vomit
- V: nôn ra, chúc nòng súng, làm tuôn thành dòng, đẩy ra - expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly
- SYN: flow, run, pour, stream, circulate, pump, cascade, spurt, gush.

14. Atmospheric
- Adj: thuộc khí quyển, thuộc không khí - relating to the atmosphere of the earth, creating a distinctive mood, typically of romance or nostalgia.
- SYN: airy, climatic, barometrical, baroscopic, meteorological, aerial, ethereal, hazy, misty, pneumatic.
15. Incentive:
- Adj: khuyến khích, khích lệ
- N: sự khuyến khích, khích lệ, thúc đẩy, động cơ - a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
- SYN: motivation, stimulus, impetus, inspiration, inducement.

16. Gasoline:
- N: khí đốt, nhiên liệu, dầu hỏa, xăng
- SYN: petrol, oil, diesel.

17. Smog
- N: sương khói, khói lẫn sương, khói mù - fog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants.
- SYN: smoke, fume, exhaust.

18. Conserve
- V: duy trì, bảo tồn, bảo toàn, gìn giữ - protect (something, especially something of environmental or cultural importance) from harm or destruction, prevent the wasteful overuse of (a resource).
- N: mứt quả - a preparation made by preserving fruit with sugar; jam or marmalade.

B. Exercise:
1. Do the following statement agree with the information in the reading passage?
Write Yes if the statement is true according to the passage.
  No if the statement is false according to the passage.
  Not given if the information is not given in the passage.
a. Air pollution is the main component of global warming.
b. Both Carbon dioxide and methane are considered kinds of greenhouse gas.
c. Sulfur dioxide only causes harmful effects to the Earth.
d. The Kyoto protocol and taxes on carbon emissions and gasoline are considered to be the most effective methods to deal with air pollution.
e. Volcanoes are the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide today.

2. Choose the most relevant answer for each question.
a. The word “they” in line 14 refers to:
(i). Volcanic eruptions
(ii). Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals
(iii). Acid rains
(iv). Atmosphere pollutants

b. What is the main idea of the reading passage?
(i). There are different kinds of pollution that contribute to global warming.
(ii). Air pollution has damaging effects on living things and the environment.
(iii). Air pollution needs to be solved in personal level and world-wide scale.
(iv). A variety of measures need to be taken to deal with air pollution that comes from many sources.

a. Air pollution is the main component of global warming.
NG. There are different kinds of pollution—some visible, some invisible—that contribute to global warming.

b. Both Carbon dioxide and methane are considered kinds of greenhouse gas.
Yes. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is the main pollutant that is warming Earth. Other greenhouse gases include methane.

c. Sulfur dioxide only causes harmful effects to the Earth.
No. Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool.

d. The Kyoto protocol and taxes on carbon emissions and gasoline are considered to be the most effective methods to deal with air pollution.
NG. Governments are taking measures to limit emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. One way is through the Kyoto Protocol. Another method is to put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline.

e. Volcanoes are the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide today.
No. Volcanoes used to be the main source of atmospheric sulfur dioxide.

a. (ii). Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals.
b. (iv). A variety of measures need to be taken to deal with air pollution that comes from many sources.

Chúc mọi người cuối tuần vui vẻ!

Bình luận

Lần sau có thể cho phiên âm của từ mời nha bạn!! Để có ji đọc được lun cho chính xác!! Một vài từ đúng là mình rất ít dùng...hoặc hoàn toàn lạ hoắc lun >.<"   Đăng lúc 7-6-2013 03:28 PM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 6-6-2013 11:56:58 | Chỉ xem của tác giả
Đáp án cho bài đọc số 2 trong chủ đề Environment đã có rồi nhé.
Các bạn xem đáp án phía dưới đề bài nha.
Sáng mai sẽ là bài đọc số 3 ^^
chúc mọi người học tốt! {:306:}
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