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[Nam] Jung Woo - 정우 - Welcome to Me Too house ~ ♥♥♥ 260115 C'EST SI BON SHOWCASE ♥♥♥

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Đăng lúc 19-11-2013 19:04:38 | Xem tất
tuilatra gửi lúc 19-11-2013 09:15
Bực mình thật đấy, sao có vài người cứ thích viết bài phá anh Rác rồi còn nói fan  ...

kệ mấy bạn đó đi bạn ơi, tại vì BK đang dìm oppa trên mặt trận tay ba thôi nên mấy bạn đó hơi hớn quá, niềm tin của các bạn đấy thì cũng ko trách dc nhưng kiểu ng khác đưa ra chứng cứ thì bảo tổn thương trong khi suốt ngày cũng post hết cái này đến cái kia có ai nói gì đâu, nhiều bạn kiểu cuồng quá ko để ý tới tình tiết phim nữa hay sao, biết là Bong cute, mấy bạn ấy muốn thế nhưng kiểu quyết Bong phải là chồng Na, ko phải ko chịu trong khi thực tế đến tập này Na có thích Bong đâu, quan trọng nhất cũng là ở Na chứ =.='

dù sao coi phim vẫn enjoy oppa vì nội dung phim thì vẫn xoay quanh oppa-ya nhiều ^^

Bình luận

ms 10% giảm xuống thì bùn lắm, nói chung rết tăng mà nhờ Rác thì cứ cho tăng tằng tằng đi ^^  Đăng lúc 19-11-2013 07:40 PM
BK troll dữ quá coi chừng người xem mệt não quá nghỉ xem cho rating giảm luôn =))))  Đăng lúc 19-11-2013 07:38 PM
@như : tập 15 mong rõ ngọn ngành  Đăng lúc 19-11-2013 07:34 PM
@ginny: nếu ko tới vs Rác sau ni rep 90, rep2000 gì cũng ko thèm xem nữa, ghét lun, lẫy lun :v  Đăng lúc 19-11-2013 07:34 PM
công nhận cũng nản ghê, phải chi tầm tập 15,16 cho biết chồng là ai dc rồi , ai dè hình như đến tận tập 20 @@  Đăng lúc 19-11-2013 07:30 PM
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Dùng đạo cụ Báo cáo

Đăng lúc 10-12-2013 17:51:36 | Xem tất
mới thấy bên sp, thấy bạn bên đó nói lụm đoan này trên ara baidu, ko biết đúng sai nhưng mà thấy câu " Trash, returning to Seoul, is ready to propose" là thấy phấn khích rồi hoho {:290:}
17화 <사랑, 두려움> (1997년 겨울~1998년 가을) 17集 爱情,畏惧
삼천포의 입대. 기다리겠다 약속하는 윤진이
제대한 해태. 열심히 의대 생활을 하는 빙그레
장거리 연애에 지침. 쌓여가는 오해. 쓰레기 부상소식에 부산 달려간 쩡이. 부산 오피스텔에서 용암 폭발.

17集爱情,恐惧 1997年冬到1998年秋

18화 <다시 사랑한다 말할까> (1999년 여름) 18集 再说一次我爱你
제대 후 애정이와 재회한 해태. "다시 사랑한다 말할까"는 해태의 테마이자
서로 고무신 거꾸로, 군화 거꾸로 신은 줄 오해했던 포만 커플의 극적 화해 테마
18集 1999年夏天 再说一次我爱你




20集没有小标 2001年
(Trash, returning to Seoul, is ready to propose).

21화<꿈은 이루어진다> 성나정양의 결혼식과 집들이 떡밥 회수
21集梦想成真 愤怒中的娜静婚礼及新居乔迁宴尾声。

Bình luận

ack, 20 zai mới về tới seoul hử  Đăng lúc 11-12-2013 11:13 PM
<3 cưới Jeong và Tân gia... :D  Đăng lúc 10-12-2013 07:58 PM
Tập 21 là hoàn thành giấc mơ. Nói về lễ cưới của Sung Najung và tiệc tân gia :3  Đăng lúc 10-12-2013 07:17 PM
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Ghế gỗ
Đăng lúc 11-12-2013 21:53:44 | Xem tất
http://belectricground.com/2013/ ... -na-jeongs-husband/
bài phân tích từ blog của bạn Blue bên soompi, cực  hay và hợp lý luôn , nói thật ai coi phim khách quan cũng có thể nhìn thấy được hướng đi của phim {:408:} muốn dịch bài này ghê mà dài quá hix

Many people look to small hints and clues in the present scenes, almost turning this drama into a detective mystery. But by focusing on these small details, they fail to look at the big picture revealed by these two scenes.
Reading through forums and fansites, I often come across “clues” that people repeatedly point out. The plain white milk in the refrigerator means that the husband is surely Trash. The medical books and baseball books on the shelves indicate that the husband has to be Chilbong, the baseball player who perhaps had a change of career to physical therapist. Remember how Chilbong knew that Ssuk-Ssuk was always coming in late? For sure, he would have to live there to know this! And the list goes on…
But is this the only explanation for all this? I realized early on that if the writer/director chooses to, all these clues can be simply explained away in just the last 5 minutes of Episode 21. That got me thinking about what would be the best way for the writer to go about this without being too contrived. And then it suddenly hit me like a pile of bricks.

Did you ever think about why Ssuk-Ssuk is living at Na-jeong’s? What is Dad’s prized victory liquor from 1994 doing there? I understand that Na-jeong is a clean freak, but is it really possible for the apartment to be so clean and “moved-in” looking on their first day there? In fact, why are they even having a housewarming party on their move-in day?!
Do you see where I’m going?
You see, all this would make sense with just one simple explanation…. that Na-jeong’s husband is what Koreans would call a “데릴사위” (a son-in-law who lives with his wife’s family)! In fact, it appears that Na-jeong and her family may not have moved into a new apartment after all, but simply moved into her parents! Perhaps Na-jeong became a working professional and needed her parents to help out with raising the kids.
This would explain away everything. Why Na-jeong has a scrapbook of takeout restaurants to call on their move-in day. Why there are baseball books alongside the medical books on the bookshelf.  (It belongs to Coach Sung Dong Il’s.) How it is possible that her husband chose to order things to be delivered to their home on their first move-in day.  And if Chilbong remains close to the Sung family and often visits Na-jeong’s parents as we suspect he would even if he didn’t marry her, it would explain how he knew exactly which room at Daddy Sung’s apartment to go for a quick nap. Heck, Chilbong can even be their neighbor living in the same apartment building! That would also explain why he knows that Ssuk-Ssuk has been coming home late these days.
I’m not saying that my theory is the only option and that it’s necessarily the correct one (although I think a very good one). I mean to point out how easy it is to debunk these clues that so many people rely on.
It is noteworthy that these clues don’t necessarily rule out Chilbong or Trash as the husband. It is just as likely for Chilbong to be the 데릴사위 living with Na-jeong’s parents.
So instead of these small “clues” and “hints” which may really end up being nothing, I’d advise you to look at the big picture- the fact that this entire group still remains close friends and are in a good enough relationship to gather like this in the first place. This relationship cannot be explained away in mere minutes.

mình chỉ quote một số đoạn

For Trash to be the husband….
From the get-go, Trash is depicted as the stereotypical Korean Gyeongsang-do man. Macho and not very expressive of what he’s thinking or feeling. For such a man to stay true to his character and return to having a friendly relationship with someone who was once his love rival…
1. Ideally, Chilbong’s one-sided love for Na-jeong must remain as just that – unrequited. If Na-jeong does not show hints of ever wavering for Chilbong, all that would have to entail for Trash and Chilbong to return to having that brotherly relationship they once could have had before love rivalry got in the way is for Chilbong to simply confront Trash and admit defeat man-to-man.
2. In the scenario where Na-jeong ends up falling for Chilbong and dating him first, their relationship must be short-lived and not serious. In this scenario, it’s a bit difficult for Trash to be very welcoming of Chilbong at the wedding or for Chilbong to show up at his ex-gf’s wedding, though. It would require a more “liberal, Western” mindset from both characters.
3. Even if both men are totally cool with this very “liberal, Western” mindset, Na-jeong’s parents can not have known that Chilbong dated Na-jeong. No Korean parent would just sit and watch as their daughter’s ex-bf becomes part of the “wedding party,” out of respect for the groom. (Note: Korean weddings typically don’t have bridesmaids or groomsmen. But even so, as the photo of the five men were on display at the wedding, I will proceed to call them the wedding party.)

For Chilbong to be the husband…
In contrast to Trash, Chilbong is depicted as the stereotypical Seoul man (as fantasized by those Koreans hailing from the countryside). He’s gentle, romantic, and knows exactly what to say. Raised by divorced parents, he may be more open about certain things, like becoming friendly with his wife’s first love. This is especially true when that first love is a family friend with his wife. Problem here is not Chilbong, but how Trash would react.
1. Ideally, Na-jeong’s one-sided love for Trash must remain just that – unrequited. Trash does not shown hints of ever wavering for Na-jeong. If this happens, once Na-jeong gets over her crush on Trash, he can remain just a brother-like figure to both Na-jeong and now her husband as well, Chilbong.
—> Failed. Trash revealed that he too liked Na-jeong as a woman… and at Chilbong’s face at that.
2. In the scenario where Trash comes to accept Na-jeong’s heart, he has to do it haphazardly without much consideration of what the consequences of this would entail. Then, Trash and Na-jeong can break up, realizing that they were confused about their closeness and have mistaken this as love.
But, if Trash takes much time to consider the sticky situation presented due to the closeness of the two families, it means Trash knows exactly what he’s getting himself into and that as soon as he says yes to dating Na-jeong, he is in it for going through with it all the way to marriage.
—> Failed. Although it frustrated many people and turned them away from Trash, it was this very action that sealed the deal. Even if Trash and Na-jeong do not work out, if Trash was this serious about marriage with Na-jeong at the time they were dating, it would be proper etiquette for him to excuse himself from the wedding as the bride’s ex-bf. This would be hard to do because of the relationship between the two families, but at the very least, a typical Gyeongsang-do man like Trash would not be cool about being part of the wedding party.
3. Even after all this, if Trash turns out to be a much more open person than I ever gave him credit for, Na-jeong’s parents must still be kept in the dark that Trash and Na-jeong ever dated for the same reason as #3 above.
–> Failed. In Episode 15, Trash spoke to Na-jeong’s parents to seek for their approval in dating Na-jeong. Even if Trash was like a son to Na-jeong’s parents, as soon as he admitted to stepping out of bounds by dating their daughter, he has stepped outside of ever returning to being just a son again even if Na-jeong and Trash were to break up. Trash knew that, which explains his great hesitance in deciding to date Na-jeong.

Bình luận

ủa tưởng của nhà mình dịch hóa ra ko phải sao :-o bạn ý siu nhơn quá  Đăng lúc 13-12-2013 02:43 PM
ss ơi, có ss dịch rồi đó, bên nhà chính 1994 đó :((  Đăng lúc 13-12-2013 12:31 PM
dạ okie babe, thế có j babe cứ inbox cho iem nhá ;)  Đăng lúc 12-12-2013 06:32 PM
Mới dc chút xíu ah e ơi, hay e trans mấy đoạn fail đi ,từ dưới lên, ss tu tren xuong kaka  Đăng lúc 12-12-2013 06:00 PM
ss đẩy cho em đoạn nào em dịch đoạn đấy, babe có fb em rồi mà ! Anh Phan ý , nàng chỉ em nàng muốn em trans đoạn nào cx đc ah :)  Đăng lúc 12-12-2013 05:22 PM
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